Taken by Supriya Pava

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Nichole Acosta's Epic XII takes over NYC

"When I say EPIC, you say TWELVE! EPIC! TWELVE! EPIC! TWELVE!!!!"

Welcome to the wonderful world of poetry where similes are as frequent as smiles and "wordplay is a poet's foreplay" (Nichole Acosta). In this world there exists a hub where poets, musicians, storytellers, dancers, and performing artists of all kinds are offered a mic, a stage, and a home. The Inspired Word in it's four year history has encouraged and inspired (as it's name suggests) many many talented individuals including, Nichole Acosta, the Collabo Queen.

Acosta with mentor, Mike Geffner (founder of Inspired Word)

Nichole Acosta, a published author and performance poet, began frequenting the Inspired Word about 2 years ago and earned the title of Collabo Queen after accomplishing her goal of collaborating with 25 other performing artists this year and founding the group: The Epic XII. The Epic XII is "a quarterly changing cast of 12 performers of various genres bridging gaps in a divided world through collaboration."

 When asked, why 12? Nichole stated, "12 was the cap for me. The number that made sense. I saw it everywhere. 12 months in a year, average about 12 likes on Facebook posts, 12 apostles. It felt right. Epic 12 the name stuck. In the span of two months, artists who never met before became a forever family of collaborators and put together a successful show of all our work."

Epic XII Cast Season 1
Since their debut showcase performance in July of this year at the sidewalk cafe, the Epic XII has been an expanding and evolving force, fueled by Acosta's dedication and constantly feeding off the positive energy of the Inspired Word. The Epic XII has sneak peaked and featured at notable NYC venues such as Tammany Hall and most recently Local 61 on Bergen St. Downtown Brooklyn and many of their performances and behind the scenes videos can be found on Acosta's YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCb9BNSkyq9U-Fe8kaR9Zu2A?feature=watch

"Working with so many people has really really helped me grow as a person and artist, to see through others perspectives more often and write every day and just come out of my shell fully with an open heart" - Nichole Acosta.

Mix of Epic XII cast Season 1-3 after Poetry Showcase @ Local 61

Despite the success of Epic XII, Nichole still pushes herself to higher heights by taking on the role of Director of community relations for The Inspired Word,  adding members of Epic XII seasons 3 and 4, publishing her first chap book entitled, Field of Fireflies, and traveling overseas to teach poetry workshops and perform in Singapore this month. Nichole says, "No one can say for sure the exact path the Epic XII will go but I am certain we are headed in the right direction. Some things that will stay constant: We'll  always have a live band, speak on various topics, have performers of all art forms and collaborate, collaborate, collaborate, not just with me but with each other."

Catch the last sneak peak of Epic XII before the season two November showcase this Saturday at Nichole Acosta's Book release Party.

Where: Funkadelic Studios
When: October 12th 2013
9:00pm - Midnight
Cost: 10$ gets entry and signed copy of book

And be sure to see the magic of collaboration live with the Epic XII led by the Collabo Queen herself on November 13th 2013!


For more information on Nichole Acosta, The Inspired Word, or The Epic XII, check out the links below:

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